With the advent of Craigslist, and other internet resell platforms, comes a lot of pros and cons for the average person. You might think you can save money by going this route when buying or selling your car to an individual rather than going through a dealer. When this may be the case sometimes, you are also opening yourself up to be scammed. With so many people exchanging cars for cash, it was only a matter of time before the criminal element took notice and flooded this platform. Fraudulent car sales postings are now a common occurrence. Check out these warning signs if you choose to use Craigslist to buy or sell your next vehicle.
- The seller does not include a phone number on his posting
- Payment must be wired to or from another country using a service like Western Union.
- Cars are priced far below current market value
- The seller will demand that you use an online escrow service of their choice
- The buyer or seller is urgent to make the deal
- The seller claims to be overseas, possibly in the military
Dealerships have joined this platform and are by far, the safest, most sure-fire way to avoid a potential scam while you are shopping for your new vehicle on Craigslist. Look for those dealerships with high rankings because this means many Craiglisters have had successful experiences with them. If all else fails, come see me at the dealership. I am happy to help!